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National Assembly

The National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria is the supreme representative body of state power, expressing the will of the nation and its sovereignty. It was founded on the grounds of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from 1991. It consists of 240 members of Parliament, elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of 4 years. The National Assembly elects Chairperson, deputy-chairperson, standing and ad hoc committees from among its members.

The National Assembly is a permanently acting body. It is vested with legislative authority and exercises parliamentary control.

The National Assembly is the only legislative body of the Republic of Bulgaria that passes, amends, supplements, and repeals the laws, passes the state budget and the budget report, establishes the taxes and determine the their size. Among its powers are to schedule the elections for a President of the Republic, to pass resolution on the holding of a national referendum, to elect and remove the Prime Minister and, on his motion, the members of the Council of Ministers, to create, transform and close down ministries (on a motion from the Prime Minister), to elect and remove the Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank and the heads of other institutions established by law.

The National Assembly resolves on the declaration of war and conclusion of peace, introduces martial law or a state of emergency on all or part of the country’s territory on a motion from the President or the Council of Ministers. The National Assembly ratifies or denounces all the international treaties, stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria. It passes laws, resolutions, declarations and addresses.


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The Commission for Public Oversight on Statutory Auditors was established in compliance with the Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

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